Lansah Lolly
The spiritual leader of Shia Ghana, Sheikh Abdul Mumin Dalhu has urged critics of the Shia Islamic sect to stop hating the family of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W).
According to him, the anti-shi’ism among Muslims in the country is getting widespread and if not curtailed will undermine the teachings of the Holy Quran and the ways of the Holy Prophet Muhammed (S .A.W).
Speaking at this year’s Maulid Sayyida Fatimatu Zahra at the Ahlulbayt Mosque in Tamale, Sheikh Dalhu said the family of the Holy Prophet Muhammed (S A W) even after their deaths unfortunately continue to faced discrimination and persecution among Muslim sects across the world including Ghana.
“Why do you hate the family of the Holy Prophet so much, you can hate me Dalhu because of your misunderstanding but what wrong did the Ahlulbayt done to you?”. He asked
The revered Sheikh reiterated that, the shortest way to paradise is to love the Holy Prophet Muhammed (S.A.W) family and follow the ways of the Ahlulbayt.
He advised Muslims to eschewed hatred among themselves but become each other brothers keeper as exhibited and preached by the Holy Prophet Muhammed (S.A.W).
The Shia Leader emphasize that, there is so much that binds Muslims together than divided them, “Let us love one another as Muslims and stop this bitterness. We must show kindness towards one another and keep our smiles together “. He urged
This year’s Maulid Sayyida Fatimatu Zahra brought together revered Imams and Muslim Scholars across the country, including, Hon Saeed Mubarak (Sumani), Northern Regional Chief Imam Sheikh Abdul Salaam, Dr Alhussain Zakaria,Wangara Chief, Savelugu MCE, Sheikh Willaaya and among other dignitaries.
A revered Imam from Nigeria, Sheikh Hafiz Yahaya also graced the occasion.
Sheikh Dalhu who doubles as the Chief of Tamale Zongo also used the occasion to award some individuals and staff of the Ahlulbayt Mosque for their selfless and dedicated services. They received cash, electronic and food items.
The gesture according Sheikh Dalhu was to encourage the awardees to do more for the love of the Holy Prophet Muhammed (S.A.W).